Monday, March 15, 2010

Many First...........

There have been many firsts we are experienceing with Branon recently. Lets start with his fist forward facing carseat and the fact that he is non-stop saying Momma momma momma, the joy I get when I hear that. Brandon has also broken in the 7th tooth(yeah!!) I knew the fussing was going to produce something good. And then there is Brandon's first EMERGENCY ROOM TRIP! I knew it would happen soon or later, I was just hoping later and thank the lord everything is ok..we will just be waiting 4-6 months for a new finger nail to grow in. This all due in part to Mr Super attempting to walk and falling hard on his left hand. POOR LITTLE GUY! Although I have to say I took it worse than he did. No parent ever wants to see their child in any kind of pain but as soon as I picked him up there was no more crying after that, even when everyone was getting xray's, cleaning it up and bandaging it up. What a trooper! All he did was stare at it like what did I do to my finger. So Dr Reinhold at Banner Children's Cardons Center told us to follow up with Dr Goldstein (who by the way is so super great as well as his office staff) for the next month just to make sure the nail is growing in properly. Along with all that finger mess my little guy had his 1st profession haircut by Sondi our stylist who has cut Dominc's hair since he was six months old. Thanks Sondi!!!