Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Celebrating Dominic's 5th Birthday

Its hard to imagine that my oldest baby just turned 5!!! My my how time fly's when your having a blast. I have to say that in the last five years its been an honor to be a parent to Dominic. Getting to experience a first smile, laugh, walking and talking is something far greater than any gift than can be wrapped!! Dominic your my best buddy and cuddly bug your my everything in life that has made me a better person and I thank GOD that he blessed me with such a healthy and strong willed young man. Mommy and Daddy love you!!!! HAPPY 5th BIRTHDAY.
His first steps came upon us around his first birthday(Here he is walking around Bison Ranch)
Barney this Barney that.... So here you have it a Barney Birthday (happy 2nd birthday)
Dom was shocked when he awoke to a table full of goodies for his friends(yup this was an all nighter to get ready for the big bash!
We want to say thank you to everyone that was able to make it to celebrate another WONDERFUL YEAR! By the way I thought it was adorable that when Dominic answered the door he said "Welcome to Dominic's Party Thank you for coming to celebrate with me!!"


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